The Travelling Optimist Podcast with Steve Ody

#39 Erik Allen - Your Past Doesn't Determine Your Future

Episode 39

Hi everyone, welcome to the podcast, 

How’s things going - what have you been up to? Whatever it is I really hope you’re feeling great.

It’s that time for another episode of the podcast, this is a great conversation with someone who is truly inspirational. So kick back, tune in and get ready for another feast for your ears with the Travelling Optimist Podcast.

Now I’ve already mentioned the I word. Inspiration, it’s normally paired with the M word motivation and also the P word passion.  It's a huge pleasure to introduce todays guest who is someone who truly does embody all of these wonderful words and is the king of overcoming adversity.

Erik Allen is a husband, father and entrepreneur and the host of a couple of incredibly successful podcasts too.

But this is a brilliant conversation about a guy who really had a bad start to life, a childhood that would feel so alien to many of us. We talk about this and how he coped with an abusive step father who would regularly beat up his mother. 

This is a story about addiction, depression, abuse and lies. But it’s also a conversation about hope, it’s a conversation about love and it’s a conversation that confirms no matter how dark things seem there is always a chink of light at the end of the tunnel which can sometime come at you in lots of different disguises. 

One of those disguises happened  one day in a remote part of Idaho. Erik was working at a coffee shop and a young lady plucked up the courage to hand him a leaflet about attending a church group. 

Now, Everything happens for a reason and all of those events, and they were terrible, all those events that Erik went through were preparing Erik for this momentary encounter, an encounter that would change the course of his life that he didn’t dream possible.

The young lady in question is now Eriks wife of 15 years and they have 2 wonderful children together. 

So this conversation is about taking responsibility for your life, having the courage to change course and trusting your intuition. 

But ultimately this is one man’s story about one serendipitous moment and changing the legacy of his family for generations to come.

You can connect with Erik on all the social sand his website:
Linked in

You can listen to his excellent podcasts too:
Top rated MMA
The Erik Allen Show

I can’t do this show without you guys, thank you so much for listening.
If you would like to support the show I have now got a
Buy me a Coffee link set up. I love coffee but you can also buy me a beer or a cake! 
Your support is incredible - I couldn’t do it with my guests of course but also to you my ever growing Optimist Tribe.

Wishing you a fabulous week ahead.